Just another rambling fool at WordPress.com

Posts tagged “insects

Twice As Nice



Not only are the butterflies visiting in droves, the re-blooming lilac is living up to it’s name! That’s a win-win for them and me!

Come and Gone


This picture was taken a little over a week ago.  The big Swallowtails have pretty much left the area and the ones that remain have seen better days. Same with the butterfly bush … it’s been trimmed back in the process of dead-heading and only a few nice blossoms remain. I did see another Monarch  yesterday, but it was quite windy and I didn’t try to get any pictures of it. The air is starting to feel like summer is over which, if it wasn’t for winter, would be a good thing!

Stained Glass


My two butterfly bushes always attract an assortment of butterflies, but yesterday was the first time I’ve ever seen a Monarch on one of them! I just happened to be out working in the garden when I noticed this little guy, and ran to get my camera. No dogs knocked me off my feet and I was very happy to see he was still there when I came back with my camera in hand! Monarch wings make me think of stained glass windows. I did a little research to make sure this was a Monarch and not a Viceroy, but it’s not; it’s the real McCoy! Do you ever see Monarchs where you live?

“V” stands for …


…a different view.

Bed Head


I caught this little guy early in the morning, before he was fully awake. Like a drunk trying to shake off a bender, he was trying to dry out from a heavy morning dew.


On another note, this is my 300th post to my blog. Who woulda thunk? I recently received word that my photography club is having a showing in September. My first reaction was to ponder if I should even consider entering. I mean, there are rules … and I so hate rules. After working my way through that conundrum I decided I would buck up and enter something. But what? I can’t imagine trying to select a handful of my favorite shots. And another quandary is that what I like is never what anyone else seems to like! One of the rules is that you have to call the person in charge by a certain date and make a commitment, so in the process of doing that I learned that each person will probably only get to enter one photo. ONE? Are you kidding? Well, it’s a big club and if everyone submits three or four photos it will be too big.

So now I get to decide which photo, out of the thousands I have taken, best represent my work. Good grief! If anyone feels moved to voice an opinion I’m willing to listen!

They’re Back


The signs that signal the end of the summer are showing up one by one. First, the Cicadas started buzzing. Then the Rose of Sharon bloomed. Now the hummingbirds are feeding like it’s their last supper and the Tiger Swallowtail caterpillars are here. It’s noticeably darker a bit earlier and the nights have been a bit cooler. Since July was such a bear it would be great if August turned out to be a nice month. Hopefully, I can begin to ride again soon. I’ve had enough of waiting around for the heat and humidity to pass.


